
Policy Support

In supporting health policy, IDRAK delivers evidence-based economic analyses that inform decision-making across all levels of the healthcare system. IDRAK supports policymakers in building effective strategies to optimize healthcare resource allocation and improve overall population health outcomes. This evidence-based approach enables policymakers to prioritize initiatives that yield the greatest health outcomes that will end in leveraging the healthcare of patients and the society.

Furthermore, IDRAK's contributions extend beyond immediate decision-making processes to foster long-term sustainability within healthcare systems. Through its research efforts, IDRAK identifies trends and emerging challenges, providing policymakers in the healthcare domain with data to anticipate potential obstacles.

Impact & Applications

Collaborative Research with Academia, Healthcare Institutions, & Industry Partners
Health Policy Research & Recommendations
  • Providing rigorous analysis and evidence-based insights into the economic implications of proposed policies or interventions.

  • Utilize various analytical methods such as cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and simulation modeling to evaluate the economic impact of policies on healthcare.

  • Bringing together expertise in health economics to address complex healthcare challenges and questions.

  • Serving as a hub for multidisciplinary collaboration, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, resources, and methodologies among various stakeholders

  • Conducting research to evaluate the cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of different healthcare policies and programs.

  • Analyzing the impact of policy interventions on healthcare expenditure and outcomes

Health Policy Evaluation

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